Set up Audio sharing


On Windows, click on the caret above the mic icon within a call and select to share system audio. That's it! 


There are a few steps to go through:

  • Install the Blackhole by downloading and running the installer. Here's a link to download it.

  • Once you've installed the extension, you need to create a new audio device that outputs both to the extension & your existing audio.

  • Launch the Audio Midi Setup app (comes built-in with MacOS).

  • Click the plus icon on the bottom left.

  • Select Create Aggregate Device

  • Select the Blackhole Box

  • Also, check the device you want to use as your speaker. (e.g. headphones, AirPods, speaker)

  • To use the newly created device go the the Speaker icon on the menu bar and choose Multi-Output Device.

  • To start sharing with Cosmos, join your Cosmos Office. Then, click on the chevron ˅ by the microphone icon, and select Blackhole.

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